Multi Shaper - Max For Live Modulator
Multi Shaper is an adaptation of the Live 12 version of Shaper, where in this version you can randomize 8 separate shapers at once and quickly map them all to parameters without going back and forth between your plugins and the modulator.
You can switch between loop mode and manual mode, where loop you can control the rate of all the shapers, and manual where you automate yourself.
The Randomize function can be adjusted with the "points" parameter, which controls how many segments will appear in the generated shapes.
You can also set all modulators to be “Remote” or “Mod” mode with the R & M options, as well as all mod mode’s polarity with the +/- button.
Planned Updates:
- Initial Preset shape variation
- Live 10+11 Version
- Push 3 Standalone Version
You can also get this device in the All Max For Live Devices Bundle, which includes every device I sell plus future ones at a significantly reduced price.
All Max For Live Devices BundleThis device requires Ableton Live 12 Suite or newer, or Live 12 Standard with a max for live license.
Please email for any bug reports or device suggestions
(1) Max For Live Device