Profile Picturednksaus

Auto Gate - Max For Live Volume Shaper

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Auto Gate - Max For Live Volume Shaper


Auto Gate is a step-sequenced volume shaper, similar to kilohearts trance gate, which is great for creating instant rhythms on whatever track you drop it on.

Auto Gate can either be set to a continuously random mode, or an envelope-triggering step sequencer.

Each step either triggers the ADSR envelope or is skipped depending whether the step is turned on or not. The step length determines when the release of the ADSR envelope starts

The resulting volume envelopes can be both jittered (add volume randomness) and smoothed (reduce sudden movement).

This device also has three random buttons, one for randomizing the envelope shape, one for randomizing the step values and lengths, and one for randomizing everything all at once

You can also get this device in the All Max For Live Devices Bundle, which includes every device I sell plus future ones at a significantly reduced price.

All Max For Live Devices Bundle

This device requires Ableton Live 11 Suite or newer, or Live 11 Standard with a max for live license.

Please email for any bug reports or device suggestions

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